Quantity Surveying Schemes
A snapshot of some of QSetc's recent QS projects, including residential & commercial new builds and redevelopments. Additional developments have been costed and are yet to be submitted for Planning. The services we provide include fully measured Cost Plans and Indicative / Feasibility Cost Estimates. The schemes we support range in development value from £6 million to £122 million. ​
Development Location: Brentwood, Essex
Development Value:
£9.3 million
The Development:
The development is a 25-unit scheme with a gross internal floor area of 3,260m2 (35,088 sq ft). The scheme provides a mix of new build houses and apartments, along with the refurbishment of the former stable block to provide four maisonettes.
QSetc Role
Quantity Surveyor​
Project Date
Sep 2024
The provision of an Indicative Cost Estimate to ascertain the likely development cost of the scheme. Costs provided within the Estimate are a combination of market testing and benchmark rates received on other similar projects in the Essex area.
Client: PPD2 Limited
QS: QSetc
Architect: Robert Hutson Architects
Development Location: Bristol
Development Value:
£13 million
The Development:
A state-of-the-art concept development rooted in the city's historic western slopes and prioritising ecological improvements to extend and enhance the Knowle West community. The provision of 50 zero-carbon dwellings, consisting of one and two-bedroom apartments, and two, three and four-bedroom houses with a gross internal floor area of 4,716m2 (50,674 sq ft) including and undercroft car park, and a residential net internal area of 3,197m2 (34,412 sq ft).
QSetc Role
Quantity Surveyor​
Project Date
Jun 2024
The provision of a Feasibility Estimate based on an award-winning concept design for this modular development.
Costs provided within the Estimate are a combination of market testing and benchmark rates received on other similar projects in the Bristol area.
Client: Backhouse Housing
QS: QSetc
Architect: GCP Chartered Architects
Development Location: Croydon, London Borough
Development Value:
£55.1 million & £42.7 million
The Development:
Two different schemes as the development of two tower blocks, one scheme providing 199 apartments and the other 130 apartments. Both schemes provide a mix of 'private' and 'affordable' accommodation, a residents lounge and a health centre. The larger scheme also provides a gymnasium. The gross internal floor area of scheme one is 19,187m2 (206,523 sq ft) and the second scheme 15,248m2 (164,128 sq ft), with net internal floor areas of 13,477m2 (145,062 sq ft) and 9.587m2 (103,097 sq ft) respectively.
QSetc Role
Quantity Surveyor​
Project Date
Jun 2024 & Jul 2023
The provision of an Indicative Cost Estimate for two different proposed schemes detailing an elemental breakdown of the building and typical fit-out costs for each apartment type, which was then developed further based on 'live' market data, and finally the provision of fully measured, detailed cost plans.
Client: Bellway Homes (Thames Gateway)
QS: QSetc
Architect: RMA Architects
Development Location: West Byfleet, Surrey
Development Value:
£6.7 million
The Development:
The redevelopment and extension to an existing office block to provide 33 apartments, consisting of a mix of one and two-bedrooms with a gross internal floor area of 2,188m2 (23,556 sq ft) and a residential net internal area of 1,860m2 (20,018 sq ft). The works involve extending the existing two storey element to provide a third storey, in addition to the construction of a small three storey extension to the rear of the building on the existing car park.